Data Protection

The Data Protection module covers topics on: your responsibilities toward data privacy, data destruction standards, and dangers of leaving private/confidential information out in the open. To complete the module you should do the following things:-

  • Note there is a set of extension videos from the ICO that provide data protection training for businesses. Watching this section is not mandatory for completion of the module.

Course Duration in Hours: 3
Skill Level: Beginner

An introduction to the WordPress CMS.

Course Duration in Hours: 3
Skill Level: Beginner

The Advanced Spear Phishing module covers topics on: identifying three types of advanced spear phishing techniques, identifying indicators of an advanced spear phishing email, and understanding what to do if you are the target.

Course Duration in Hours: 0.5
Skill Level: Beginner

The Data Protection module covers topics on: your responsibilities toward data privacy, data destruction standards, and dangers of leaving private/confidential information out in the open.

Course Duration in Hours: 0.5
Skill Level: Beginner

The Cybersecurity Awareness module covers topics on: how to avoid online threats, understanding risk factors for each type of threat, and minimizing risk of an attack.

Course Duration in Hours: 0.5
Skill Level: Beginner

The Cloud Computing module covers topics on: the difference between desktop and cloud computing, advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing, and best practices for using the cloud safely.

Course Duration in Hours: 0.5
Skill Level: Beginner

The Teaching Theories for UK Education module delves into the various pedagogical frameworks and theories that shape effective teaching practices within the United Kingdom. 

Participants will explore influential theories such as behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and socio-constructivism, gaining a deep understanding of how these theories inform instructional strategies and student learning outcomes. 

Through critical analysis and practical applications, participants will develop the ability to select and adapt teaching approaches that align with the diverse needs of learners in the UK educational context. 

This module serves as a foundation for evidence-based teaching, encouraging educators to continually reflect on their practice and refine their instructional methods for optimal student engagement and achievement.

Course Duration in Hours: 3
Skill Level: Beginner